pandora berlocker






Websites related to Arctic biodiversity


Arctic Portal >>>

Arctic Bird Library at UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre >>>

IPY-Arctic Predators project >>>



Websites on waders (shorebirds)


International Wader Study Group (IWSG)  >>>

Working Group on Waders >>>

Australasian Wader Studies Group >>>

Victorian Wader Study Group (VWSG) >>>

Pan American Shorebird Program (PASP) >>>

The International Shorebird Surveys >>>

U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan >>>

Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) >>>

Western Atlantic Shorebird Association (WASA) >>>

Shorebird research in New Zealand and the East Asian-Australasian Flyway  >>>

Waterbird Research Group KULING  >>>


Ornithological websites


Russian Bird Conservation Union >>>

Menzbier Ornithological Society >>>

Working Group on raptors and owls >>>

Working Group on geese and ducks of Northern Eurasia >>>

Searchable Ornithological Research Archive >>>

"Condor? journal >>>

Birds of Central Siberia >>>

Corvidae birds >>>

Waterfowl and gulls of the Moscow Region >>>

Ciconiiformes of  of the Moscow Region >>> >>>

Methods to study birds and their environment >>>

The Virtual Bird - bird sounds >>> - bird sounds and photos >>>

The Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station (Azblackornis) >>>


Organizations dealing with conservation of birds


BirdLife International - conserving the world's birds >>>

Biodiversity Conservation Center >>>

IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature >>>

WWF - Russian Programme Office >>>

Wetlands International  >>>

Socio-ecological Union >>>

Ramsar Convertion  >>>

Bonn Convention  >>>

African-Eurasian Migratory (Water Bird) Agreement (AEWA)  >>>

IUCN Species Survival Commission >>>




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